PSC (Photonics Society Chinese-Americans) Historical Company Photo

How We Started

PSC is a non-profit organization founded in 1989 by a group of scientists and engineers of Chinese Heritage in the city of Los Angeles, with objectives to promote friendships and collaborations among Chinese-American engineers and scientists in the field of photonics. In 2011, PSC expanded the engagements with corporations, universities, research institutions globally to further facilitate the interaction and business development opportunities in the photonics industry. PSC frequently conducts the following activities to benefit its members and welcomes all individuals and organizations interested in participating in these activities to join PSC: (1) Enhancing communication within the society by organizing technical seminars and publishing newsletters and membership directory; Conducting technical and dinner meetings during major international conferences, such as OFC/NFOEC, Photonics West, and CLEO/IQEC, for reporting and reviewing new photonics technologies and business/product developments in different parts of the world and for establishing business contacts and technical exchanges; (3) Organizing annual conferences to promote photonics education, report new progress in photonics, address future photonics marketing directions, and present Achievement Awards to key individuals in the field of photonics. Today, PSC is a well-known brand in the global photonics societies and industries.

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PSC greatly appreciates the generous donations of the following sponsors in the past:


The Objectives of PSC are to promote friendships and collaborations among Chinese-American engineers and scientists in the field of photonics so that they can enhance their professional and business contributions for better quality of life in this fast changing world.


  • Expand memberships to all individuals interested to promote profession and business in the field of photonics
  • Enhancing communication within the society by organizing technical seminars and publishing newsletters and membership directory
  • Conducting technical and dinner meetings during major international conferences including SPIE, OFC / NFOEC, and CLEO/IQEC, for reporting and reviewing new photonics technologies and business/product developments in different parts of the world and for establishing business contacts and technical exchanges
  • Organizing annual conferences to promote photonics education, report new progress in photonics, address future photonics marketing directions, and present Achievement Awards to key individuals in the field of photonics.
  • 中華光電學會簡介


    中華光電學會 (The Photonics Society of Chinese–Americans) , 以下簡稱PSC,為非營利組織。是由一羣早年來自台灣的有理想的學者專家,在美國加州籌措多年於1989年在洛杉磯市正式成立。光陰荏苒,二十三年彈指而過。學會每年在國際會議期間多有舉辦特別演講,佐以中餐晚宴,表揚傑出人才,聯絡同行感情。因緣際會,經歷了光電科技之不斷創新,亦為世界光電學術交流做橋樑。見證了中國大陸與寶島經濟之發展和中華民族之展翅飛翔,和平掘起。早在三通之前,兩岸學會會員們已經彼此在學術專業上,互相建立了許多深厚的友誼。會員中許多學人,留學生及交換學者回國後領導光電企業及學術界,做了重要貢獻.

    物換星移幾度秋,長江後浪推前浪,展望未來,希望PSC能夠建立 一個永久性的中心,更積極地整合各個分會, 有效的實現學會的宗旨。鼓勵表揚並㨍助卓越的中華光電人才, 繼續為人類科技創新做出貢獻!




    1. 招募對拓展在光電領域專業及商業有興趣的會員

    2. 通過舉辦技術研討會,出版通訊和會員名錄, 以加強會員間的交流

    3. 在國際主要光電相關會議如SPIE,OFC / NFOEC 及CLEO/ IQEC期間舉辦技術會議及餐會, 研討世界各地最新的光電技術或業務及產品的發展,以建立商務和技術上的交流

    4. 組織年度會議,促進光電教育,交流最新技術進展及未來市場方向,頒發助學獎鼓勵在光電領域學習的優秀學生,以及成就獎褒揚在光電領域有所貢獻的傑出人才。