
Corporation Membership

Corporation Membership

The corporation members shall consist of corporations, research institutions, universities, conference organizers, or consulting firms and information providers whose charters or business interests are in the photonics industry or related fields.

Membership Fee

An annual membership fee shall be paid by all regular, student and Fellow, and corporate members. The amount of the fee shall be determined by the Advisory Committee. Since most PSC’s activities are sponsored by donations from corporate members and all officers, board members and staff are volunteers, the regular and student membership fees of PSC are suggested to be below 10% of the fees for the regular and student members of the Optical Society (OSA) or IEEE, respectively. $20 regular membership fee, $10 student membership fee, and $500 corporate membership
fee are recommended.

The membership fees for regular and students are voluntary. The suggested amount is
symbolic and signifies members’ recognition to the organization. The members are
encouraged to pay the membership fees to show their bonds to the organization. A
member also has the option to pay multiple years’ membership fees at once. Any
member pays a one-time $500 to PSC shall be recognized as a life member and shall
enjoy the recognitions and benefits of the organization for life without further payment.
The names of life members will be listed on PSC’s website so long as PSC continues to