About PSC

Expand memberships to all individuals interested to promote profession and business in the field of photonics.


 Xiaochen Sun

President  2024 – 2025


Xiaolin Tong

First Vice President


Jifeng Liu

Director, Academia


Marcus Yang

Director, Industry


Hao Song

Early-career Representative

PSC Scholarship Winner 2020 Ms. Cong Liu

Cong Liu

Early-career Representative

PSC Former President 2017-2018 President: Genzao Zhang

Genzao Zhang



Xinzhou Su


We aim to expand memberships to all individuals interested to promote profession and business in the field of photonics. Our goal is to enhance communication within the society by organizing technical seminars and publishing newsletters and membership directory.

The objectives of PSC are to promote friendships and collaborations among Chinese American engineers and scientists in the field of photonics so that they can enhance their professional and business contributions for better quality of life in this fast changing world.

The Photonics Society of Chinese Heritage is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting global collaboration and friendship for the professional and business benefit  of our community and the advancement of photonics engineering and science. 

Advisory Committee

Dr. Frank Chang
Dr. Hsu Feng Chou
Mary Fong
Dr. Norman Kwong
David Li
Dr. Jinghui Li
Dr. Karen Liu
Dr. Samuel Liu
Shoa-Kai Liu
Dr. K. K. Wong
Dr. Steve Yao
Dr. Rang-Chen Yu
Dr. Shifu Yuan
Dr. Genzao Zhang
Kevin Zhang
Dr. Xuezhe Zheng
Dr. Howell Zhao

To all our valued Leaders,

Working under your leadership was a great chance for us to grow professionally and take the next step in our career. Thank you for your support and for pushing us to do our best.  You are all not only a renowned person in the industry but you all are also an exceptional leaders. Your encouraging words, guidance and advice were the only things that kept us going. We just wanted to show you all our appreciation and tell you that we are truly glad and relieved that we have met and connect to such great leaders like you all are. Thank you for everything – we are lucky to have a leader like you!

Photonics Society Chinese Heritage Members

Our Leadership

Experienced and trusted leaders who can made a large difference in PSC operation over the years.

Karen Liu


Karen Liu


Portrait of Rang-Chen Yu current president of PSC

Rang-Chen Yu


Samuel Liu


Xuezhe Zheng PSC 2019-2020 Former President

Xuezhe Zheng


PSC Former President 2018-2019 President: Howell Zhao

Howell Zhao


PSC Former President 2017-2018 President: Genzao Zhang

Genzao Zhang


PSC Former President 2016-2017 David Li

David Li


PSC Former President 2015-2016 K.K. Wong

K.K. Wong


PSC Former President 2014-2015 Frank Chang

Frank Chang


PSC Former President 2013-2014 Hsu-Feng Chou

Hsu-Feng Chou



Dr. Jinghui Li


PSC Former President 2011-2012 Steve Yao

Dr. Steve Yao


Norman Kwong photo

Dr. Norman Kwong

2005-2007 and 2009-2010